99 P Quarter Pounder. Today, when you order "Quarter Pounder by R. This is one of the trademark products other than the Big Mac; it appearance is also similar, only the Big Mac has an extra bun in the middle while the Quarter Pounder does not.
CH (US) Quarter Pounder Of Billo. I've been a bit behind recently and only just discovered McDonald's Japan's new "Quarter Pounder Jewelry" July promotion. qrtr; quart. It's not a great pickup for cleans, but I use the neck.
Definition of quarter pounders in the Idioms Dictionary. quarter pounders phrase.
What does quarter pounders expression mean?
This is one of the trademark products other than the Big Mac; it appearance is also similar, only the Big Mac has an extra bun in the middle while the Quarter Pounder does not. Diese Beispiele wurden automatisch ausgewählt und können vertrauliche Inhalte enthalten. CH (US) Quarter Pounder Of Billo.