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Quarter Pounder Royale With Cheese. Ok, as we all learned in Pulp Fiction that because of the metric system the French don't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is and they call it a Royale with Cheese. Jackson's conversation with John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. royale with cheese.
‘Quarter Pounder with Cheese’ – MTV Basterdize Tarantino ... (Sean Powers)
If you want to increase your calorie intake without getting too full, choose foods from the bottom half of the map. Jackson) is right about the metrication bit. Well, I can see the cheese, but do they have Krusty's "Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy, Gum-Based Beverages"?
What do they call a Big Mac?
Mcdonalds's "quarter pounder" with cheese is called "royale" with cheese in Europe.
Quarter Pounder | McDonald's Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
'Pulp Fiction'-inspired Royale With Cheese opens in the ...
Do they really have a Royale with cheese on the McDonald's ...
Quarter Pounder | McDonald's Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
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Battle Cheeseburger! - Ocean City Magazine
Chef Vinson Petrillo's Royale with Cheese deserves its own ...
You know what they call a Quarter Pounder w/ cheese? A ...
Quarter Pounder with Cheese : trees
The 'European' name for a Quarter Pounder. Our fresh take on the fresh beef Quarter Pounder classic is here. The 'European' name for a Quarter Pounder. (Redirected from Royale with cheese).