Quarter Pounder Like A Mac. I dont like burgers with no veggies, so thats why. I always order them with shredded lettuce and Big Mac Big Macs are delicious, they just suffer from too little meat, so they aren't as substantial as the Quarter Pounder.
But to be honest, I always liked the Bic Mac more. I really like this newer addition to the menu, probably because I'm a big cheesesteak fan who also loves Mexican food. It's recommended to burn all six candles in the set at the same time for "maximum deliciousness." However, I liked the quarter pounder for my situation, in spite of these shortcomings.
But, there's something a lot of Mac users don't know—that you can adjust the volume in Mac OS X in ¼ increments.
I like them both from time to time and the secret.
If you play classic rock, and don't want to put a humbucker in your Fender guitar, the Quarter Pounder is a good. My Manager training has paid off I see! This is something I just found out myself, and it's so simple, I can't believe I didn't know about sooner.