Quarter Pounder Combo Calories. Mcdonald's - Double Quarter Pounder Meal W/ Large Fries and Sprite. Not available in Alaska, Hawaii, and US Territories.
CALORIC RATIO PYRAMID™ This graphic shows you what percentage of the calories in a food come from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and alcohol.
Different are the bun which is the same bun as their premium chicken.
Serving Size Nutritional Target Map for McDONALD'S, QUARTER POUNDER with Cheese. WARNING: The following features a menu hack performed by a professional. I think the Quarter Pounder may have a little more meat than the Big Mac, but it does not seem like enough to compensate for the extra half bun and So the big caloric differences are that the Big Mac has an extra half of a bun and "special sauce", whereas the Quarter Pounder with Cheese has an.