Quarter Pounder And Big Mac. This has been McDonald's breadwinner for years upon years. A Quarter Pounder has ingredients found on nearly every burger at McDonald's: ketchup, mustard, cheese, pickles, and onions.
I always order them with shredded lettuce and Big Mac Big Macs are delicious, they just suffer from too little meat, so they aren't as substantial as the Quarter Pounder. But apples to apples, McDonald's Quarter Pounder. The Big Mac has an entire extra half of a bun as well as that "special sauce".
It wasn't the Quarter Pounder that America, and now the world have chosen, it is the delicious Big Mac.
I havent eaten either in years but I would go with the Big Mac- because of the special sauce.
Why isn't this a regular menu item? Since there's no such thing as a blind taste tests. It's also serving Cheesy Bacon Fries topped with cheddar cheese and.